2nd year stuff

area to me it looks like he possibly wanted to attack her differently as the shots are what he was looking at and he was checking her out.

assessment 2: A,C,I,J.

In my version the man steals from the lady’s house and realises that she is home. Before he kills her he watches her sing making it a lot more emotional as he cry’s at her song as  he kills something so innocent. I would have her singing the song – November rain by guns and roses- as it is a sad and emotional masterpiece about the destruction of innocence.

Assessment 3:

In year 2 I wish to progress in all kinds of directions. Everything I have done for the first year is good but I want to make everything even better and expand my knowledge of media even further. I wish to furthur develop in my knowledge of premiere pro editing as I admittingly only know how to green screen and edit to a medium standard. I would like to learn how to colour correct and add great effects to my films in the second year so my films can be brought even furthur to life. I would like to progress in my knowledge of earlier film directors as I only know about the popular ones mainly like Stanly Kubrick, Quintain Tarantino, Sam Ramie, Michael Bay ect. I’d like to get back to the roots of media and I can carry on this research properly during my course. I know that daily blog and reflection is really important now and I will put more of my attention towards it during the course. I will put more effort into using better cameras to bring out the better standards of my films and add even more creativity behind them. I just really want to work hard and get this as if I decide to get into the media this course will help me start out small and work my way up to maybe even being a film director some day. Altogether I must say if I’m on the second year of the course all I can do is give my all in hope I can get the course done to an amazing standard.


My idea surfaced from simply observing my best friend Alfie. I was struggling to come up with a context for change that was more or less original and not the same as everyone else’s ideas. This is when I asked Alfie and he said “hey I’m transsexual that’s change right?” So I decided to base it around him and his memories. I wanted to explore and delve deep into Alfie’s mind on the subject but I thought if i did it would get to much and sick the fun out of the media subject and I wanted to keep things light and happy. So I focused my attention on our favourite memories of his past as he went through being trans. In my personal point of view my film brings light and comedy aspects over a serious subject to let the audience know about serious matters without getting bored to death or getting upset about situations. I felt that a hearty comedy over a serious situation was the way to go as Alfie himself is almost never serious as he is a funny outgoing person that wants to bring rays of light to any situation. From a creative point of view my film contains simple yet delightful costumes to sustain Alfie’s simplistic memories of the subject as he barely remembers them as they are of his past self (when he was a girl).  From my professional opinion I could have colour coded my film and fixed the lighting a bit more. I liked my shots when I was interviewing Alfie as the colour and detailed simplicity of the shot was contained within the rule of thirds. The topic is Alfie’s experience in being transgender and his memories whilst he was going through the process. I wanted to address how the issues of being trans are temporary and the people who aren’t willing to help and shun you are not worth your time. That’s what I intended to address with the reinactments of people from Alfie’s past as he went through these troublesome times and still manages to be happy and move on. I did primary research the most as I could just talk to Alfie as it’s about him and what he is going through. I didn’t get to interview him due to lack of equipment because somebody borrowed the zoom and boom mics and didn’t give them back to put technician James. My secondary research was myself searching the web for transgender story’s and what problems they face and most of the problems line up in the same category’s of family issues and operations. I was recommended a documentary by Eleanor my tutor but due to technical difficulty and too much work to plan as it kept falling apart I didn’t have time to watch it and I also can’t remember the name. I obtained the idea of reinactments for an interviews from diary of a wimpy kid when he explains a life event and then plays that scene as a visual explanation to keep the target audience entertained. I guess this means I focused on that directors idea for my film and his name is Thor Freudenthal. I also thought of the landscape of my shots from Stanly Kuburicks eye for perfection and Quinton Tarantino list for action and entertainment. Im mainly attracted to using premiere to edit exactly how I was taught by my tutors and observing techniques of shots by directors and watching tutorials on stuff from YouTube. There were no financial constraints as for my costumes I used old clothes and make up and I borrowed equipment from the college. I would say my film was a documentary/interview on the subject matter of Alfie and his experiences on being transgender. My audience was mainly teens and adults but it is child friendly and the costumes could keep all age types entertained on the lightheartedness of the situation. My ambition of the project was to make a decent film that all can enjoy whilst putting a serious message across in a cheery way to make people remember it’s okay to be who you want to be.

Research; Primary!!!!



Alfie (the main actor) say’s:

“Smashing job Tamimer (Tammy). I really enjoyed your film you captured the aspect very well and the part about Megan made me smile and tear up, thank you for making this in my name and fir everyone else who is going through this today.


unknown. (2016). Transgender people. Available: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/jul/10/transgender-stories-people-think-we-wake-up-and-decide-to-be-trans. Last accessed 18/05/17.unknown. (2016).

Transgender people. Available: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/projects/storywall/transgender-today. Last accessed 18/05/17.

Unknown. (2012). Transgender storys insparational. Available: http://www.etonline.com/news/163373_9_inspirational_stories_of_transgender_kids_their_supportive_parents/. Last accessed 18/05/17.



I have decided to keep my old film idea I just had to film it on location. I am now on track and have started editing and I must say its going very well and I’m so pleased with my work. Things are finally looking up.

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